What is Isaiah Thomas Doing

When the New York Knicks hired former player and coach Isaiah Thomas they thought they were back on their way to the top of the standings. Thomas was successful as a player winning two championships and being an all-star several times despite being under six feet tall. Thomas was also successful as a coach. He coached the Indiana Pacers to several successful seasons before being unexpectedly fired by Larry Bird.Too bad Thomas has not been able to duplicate that success as general manger of the Knicks. His boss has basically given him the green light to spend as much money that he needs to build a winning team, something that few general managers get permission to do.

He has taken his great opportunity to build a winning team and has blown money by overpaying underachieving players and trading for bad long term contracts. He brought in Jerome James, a guy that had a few decent playoff games during a contract year, now he is back to him underachieving self. He brought in Quentin Richardson and undersized shooting guard that can't shoot.

He traded the expiring contract of Antonio Davis for Jalen Rose's longer deal. He also traded for overpaid Steve Francis when he already had Marbury.Unless Thomas gets more common sense or gets fired, New York Knicks fans are in for a few years of heartache.

.Andre Bias is a webmaster and is the owner of several websites including, http://www.serioushoops.com, http://www.inkjetdealz.com, and http://www.

kidfriendlyentertainment.com. .Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andre_Bias.


By: Andre Bias


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